Access to Baby and Child Dentistry (ABCD) Program


(509) 962-7515

ABCD focuses on early access to preventative dental health care for kids. Children who have Apple Health (Medicaid) and who are under the age of 6 are eligible for ABCD. This program connects eligible children to a local, specially trained ABCD dentist. ABCD emphasized early intervention, prevention, education and comprehensive oral health care... As of 2019, 49% of Medicaid-eligible children received dental care in Kittitas County (Fiscal Year 2019 Arcora Foundation).

For more information about ABCD and Kittitas County providers, please see our brochure:
ABCD Brochure
ABCD Folleto (español)

For help setting up an appointment, call 509-962-7515 and ask for the ABCD Coordinator or email us!

Here are some tips to keep baby teeth healthy!

Start going to the dentist early!

Children should see a dentist by their first tooth or first birthday. Even if your child doesn’t have any teeth yet, it’s important to visit early. Dentists can tell a lot by a child’s gums, mouth shape, and those first little eruptions of teeth. It also sets up the practice of visiting the dentist as a regular routine instead of something scary.

Check your baby’s teeth

You can spot signs of potential problems in your young one’s mouth. Do this by lifting your baby or child’s lips and looking at their teeth and gums about once a month. If you see white or brown spots on the teeth, or changes in their gums, call your dentist right away. These are early signs of problems and catching them early can make a big difference.

Brushing and gum cleaning

Kids and adults should be brushing their teeth twice a day. Aim for two minutes of brushing each time. That can seem like a lot, especially for young, children but keep trying. Making it fun with songs or games can help – your dentist will have some great ideas. If your baby doesn’t have teeth yet, it’s still important to clean their gums and incoming teeth once a day with a clean, damp washcloth or finger toothbrush. Talk to your dentist about using toothpaste – the general recommendation is a smear of fluoride toothpaste, the size of a grain of rice, for kids ages 0-3, and a pea size dollop for kids ages 3-6.

Healthy food

Eating healthy is one of the best ways to ensure healthy teeth for you and your kids. Sugary foods like sweet drinks (soda, juice), desserts (candy, cookies), and starches (bread, crackers) make our mouths the ideal place for bacteria that cause cavities. Aim for a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, and lean protein. When your child does have a sweet treat, try to follow up with a good teeth brushing or a big glass of water. Avoid “grazing” – snacking or sipping sweet drinks throughout the day.

Showing positive habits and attitude

Kids learn by watching what their parents do. Make sure they see you practicing good habits at home like brushing twice a day and eating healthy. Try to talk about the dentist and taking care of your teeth in a positive way. Visits to the dentist may not be everyone’s favorite thing and kids can pick up on negative feeling which can lead them to being anxious or fearful of the dentist.

Kittitas County Family of Resources Coalition (KittFam)

The Kittitas County Family of Resources Coalition (KittFam) is an action council comprised of community leaders, social service providers and health care professionals. The coalition meets on a monthly basis to share agency updates and services available to Kittitas County residents. The Kittitas County ABCD Coordinator facilitates this meeting. KittFam welcomes new members who provide services to our community. If you are interested in joining or have questions about the services available to you, please call 509-962-7515 or email us.

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