Public Pools & Spas


Environmental Health Specialist
(509) 962-7009

Public water recreation facilities are licensed to meet state standards and are inspected by an Environmental Health Specialist. Inspections by the health department ensure safety and sanitization standards are met for public pools and spas.

Services Available

  • Plan reviews are conducted by Washington State Department of Health for new construction or remodels of existing facilities. If you need a plan review please contact Washington State Department of Health:
  • Kittitas County Public Health Department provides consultation to pool operators.
  • An Environmental Health Specialist investigates all complaints and illnesses related to pools and spas.
  • Pool equipment is checked frequently to ensure safety for the public.
  • Chemical testing is used to evaluate water quality during inspections
  • Water monitoring and record keeping is reviewed, and facility maintenance is checked for safety and cleanliness.
  • Educational materials are provided with the latest rules and safety materials.
  • Compliance and enforcement is scheduled and monitored if necessary.

There are approximately 57 water recreational facilities in Kittitas County. This includes Swimming pools, spas, wading and spray pools. Water Recreational places include but are not limited to city funded pools, apartment, condominiums or home owners associations, hotel/motels, camp sites, or schools. This includes all places used by the public. Swimming pools or spas at a single private residence are excluded from being permitted but should still exercise the same safety standards as everyone else. Please contact local building and planning with questions regarding private residence use.


Pool permit application

12 Steps for Recreational Water Illnesses Prevention for Pool Staff

  1. Lead your staff.
  2. Develop partnerships.
  3. Educate pool staff.
  4. Educate swimmers and parents.
  5. Maintain water quality and equipment.
  6. Evaluate aquatic facility design.
  7. Institute disinfection guidelines.
  8. Evaluate hygiene facilities.
  9. Develop a bathroom break policy.
  10. Create a special policy for large groups of young children.
  11. Post and distribute health information.
  12. Develop an outbreak/emergency response plan.


Resources & Links